Get involved

You can get involved in many different ways. You can help by donating your time, money, skills.

Our Sunray For Children charity helps children and parents.
Parents turn to our organization in the hope that we will help them in a difficult and desperate situation. Solving such circumstances is very difficult, and it is only thanks to cooperation with similarly helpful workers that these situations can be resolved. We are contacted by Slovak and Czech speaking people. Parents experiencing domestic violence. After divorce, separation regarding contact with children.
Sunray for Children will use the collected funds for its activities and to support families who find themselves in a difficult situation. In addition, the funds will be used to develop legal analyzes and procedures for the given case.

We accept money through our Sunray for Children short code 40-44-04 acount number 42267985.
In the message for the recipient, write: „DAR“. „Donor: Your name“, we will be happy to publish your contribution on our pages.

Thanks for helping us help 🙂

  • Volunteering
  • One time gift
  • Regular giving
  • Gift aid

If you want to support us, you can do it on this page by click on Donate button or by Give as you Live button.

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